Whether it be the struggle of raising a family alone or the stress of worrying about a loved one serving overseas, military families face a number of challenges. A survey released on Wednesday from Blue Star Families revealed specific stressors.
The online survey polled more than 4,200 people, and researchers discovered that military family members were most worried about financial issues. Specifically, 31 percent reported being concerned about potential changes to retirement benefits. Additionally, 20 percent cited current pay as a big issue. The findings seem to mesh with the concerns of active duty military personnel, many of whom will be leaving Afghanistan in the coming months.
"When veterans were asked about concerns related to separating from the military, 25 percent cited employment opportunities as their top concern, 19 percent cited changes to health care access and 6 percent cited issues with civilian licensing or certification," the report says.
Though money and employment were at the top, the study also found that military families are concerned about the effect deployment may have on their kids, with 7 percent citing it as their top issue. Post-traumatic stress disorder also was a commonly-cited worry, with 6 percent listing it as their chief concern.