Life Line Screening
Life Line Screening utilizes ultrasound technology that can reveal dangerous plaque buildup or blockage, a major risk factor for stroke and heart disease.
9 out of 10 specialists identified preventive screening for cardiovascular disease as a valuable health tool.
TRICARE Supplemental Plans
TRICARE supplement plan offers current and former military members access to a TRICARE supplement plan made available through Selman & Company.
Save on co-pays, prescriptions, and cost shares.
Long Term Care Insurance
Long term care insurance provides a safety net to your overall financial plan that can help pay for the cost of long term care generally not covered by health insurance.
The right plan can help you have more choices in the type and setting of care you receive.
Pet Insurance
Pet insurance can help reimburse you for covered, unexpected veterinary expenses for your furry family member.*
Direct MedAccess
Health-related, discount benefit plan options (not insurance) for dental, vision, chiropractic, and more.*
Other member benefits
Protection for AFBA eligible members and their families underwritten by 5Star Life Insurance Company.
Products and services that assist you to reach your financial goals.
Deals and discounts to use when planning your next adventure.
Resources that help you excel at any stage in your career.
Savings on experiences and products for everyone in your family.
* These benefits made available to AFBA members through our partnership with AUSA.
Life insurance member benefits provided by AFBA are underwritten by 5Star Life Insurance Company (a Lincoln, Nebraska company) with an administrative office at 909 N. Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Survivor benefits not available in all states and U.S. Territories. Group Policy: LT050197(Rev)