Results of a new survey show how valued today's newest veterans are, but also highlights how misunderstood their experience is. The research found that while civilians view veterans as valuable civic assets, they also believe they may be less educated and suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The poll surveyed 801 adults and was conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and Public Opinion Strategies. Respondents placed post-9/11 veterans as third among most valued civic assets, behind only firefighters and nurses.
The results also showed a deeply held respect and admiration for veterans, but the misconceptions are still present. Perhaps most significant is the fact that respondents believe the majority of veterans have PTSD. However, the true figure is likely around 20 percent. This disconnect may cause some problems.
"It's good news to hear that most Americans view returning vets as disciplined, hard-working, high-character citizens," Laura L'Esperance, spokeswoman for veterans advocacy group The Mission Continues, told Stars and Stripes. "But we are concerned that the misperceptions out there may be contributing to the transition problems vets face when they do come home."
Additionally, the poll delved into what can be done to ease the transition for returning veterans. Around 62 percent support private sector hiring initiatives aimed at servicemembers, and 58 percent believe troops deserve better benefits.