Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have found many different ways to cope with the emotional and physical wounds sustained during deployment, but few have taken it to the lengths that one Indiana veteran did. Efrain Fuentes recently participated in an impressive 384-mile bike ride from New Orleans to Tennessee, a decision he credits with helping him navigate the transition to civilian life, The Herald-Times reports.
The experience was organized by Ride2Recovery, a non-profit that is dedicated to helping ease veterans' pain once they return from war. This was certainly a steep challenge for Fuentes, who was suffering from a back injury as well as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Still, he managed to make it through the grueling training and difficult ride thanks to the support of his fellow veterans and spectators along the route.
"It was beautiful," he told the newspaper. "It really lifted our spirits and touched us, especially seeing the schoolchildren out there."
Ride2Recovery was established by the Fitness Challenge Foundation and regularly hosts events around the country dedicated to helping wounded warriors. Most rides cover anywhere from 350 to 450 miles and welcome hundreds of veterans to participate. In 2011, the organization hosted 32 rides.