A group of wounded warriors took a ride through the historic streets of Concord, Mass. last weekend, finding a calming peace of mind through cycling in solidarity.
The Boston Globe reports that 50 disabled veterans participated in Soldier Ride, a biking event sponsored by the national nonprofit Wounded Warriors Project. Most of the veterans who participated suffered from traumatic brain injuries or post-traumatic stress disorder, or were amputees. Event organizers expected to raise more than $100,000 for the Wounded Warriors Project through the event.
Beginning near the Old North Bridge, the location where the "shot heard 'round the world" jump-started the American Revolution, participants rode as a group throughout the 22-mile course, the news source reports. The veterans were also joined by 400 civilians, including former New England Patriots linebacker Steve Nelson.
For most of the veterans, the ride was a milestone in their long road to recovery.
"When you're in a bike, you're free, you're outside, and it's liberating," Iraq war veteran Kathleen White told the news outlet. White suffered a traumatic brain injury during her 2004 tour in the Army National Guard. It took her years to recuperate from the experience.
"I never thought I'd be in the place I am now," she added.