The Army is looking for ways to reduce costs and create a more streamlined force over the next several years, and a new initiative puts the focus squarely on recruiting, training and developing individual soldiers, Army Times reports.
The effort is being led by the Human Dimension Task Force, which was formed in 2006 as a way to turn the Army's attention toward the individual soldier rather than the group as a whole. By analyzing the specific needs of the soldiers, the group's leaders hope to provide them with the ideal training to make them more effective in the field.
"We were asking for big ideas," Brig. Gen. Robert Dyess told the news source. "We were looking at what are the knowledge, skills and attributes soldiers need to have? What would make good soldiers and make good teams?"
Specifically, the Human Dimension Task Force is interested in finding a more effective way to match each individual soldier with the best possible specialty. By doing so, the Army will be able to better train troops.
The focus on the individual is not the only change the Army is making. According to The New York Times, some conventional units may be deployed with Special Operations forces in the coming years.