Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) is a vital benefit for many troops who live off military bases, and in the coming year they will see a slight increase in the amount of assistance. The Department of Defense recently announced that the BAH will rise by a nationwide rate of about 3.8 percent, according to American Forces Press Service.
The BAH is based on a number of different factors, officials say. When deciding the yearly allowance, the DOD has to take everything into consideration – from utility costs to rent in various parts of the country. They also assess the housing costs of similarly-situated civilians.
"We want to make sure [servicemembers] are able to afford adequate and appropriate housing within a reasonable distance of their duty station," Cheryl Anne Woehr, the BAH program manager, told the news source.
BAH is not the only military benefit that will see a slight increase in 2013, even as the Pentagon looks for other places to slash costs. The Basic Allowance for Subsistence, which is used to buy food and other necessities, will increase to $352.27 a month for enlisted soldiers.