
Firefighters, police officers, paramedics and other first responders all have careers where success comes from a team effort. These fields are dependent on the ability of the group to work well together. Luckily, there are a variety of teambuilding activities your station can complete to increase your unit performance. 

Mine field
This group activity is perfect for improving group communication. The idea is to set up a starting line and a finish line. Then, place various obstacles around an open space. Take turns blindfolding an individual member of the squad. The other members must successfully guide the blindfolded person to the finish line through the debris using only verbal directions. 

All aboard
Challenge your squad to this game and you could see major improvements in inter-group patience and problem solving. The rules are simple. Start with a large defined space, usually a sheet. All members of your team must fit into the space. Once this is successfully completed, make the defined space smaller. Continue shrinking the size of the space until your team can no longer find a way to fit into the space.

Group mandala
​This exercise is a great way to explore group dynamics and examine structural hierarchy. Begin by having each participant choose an object that represents himself or herself. The group then forms a circle and throws their objects like dice. When all the objects have settled, each person must tell the group how they feel about the position of their specific object and its relation to the others' items. Go through several rounds in which members can adjust their items until everyone is satisfied with his or her object's position. Discuss why the end result made everyone most comfortable.

As first responders, there are many tough days on the job. This activity can not only help your squad learn to communicate, but it can also teach them to counsel others. Have your team pair up. One member of each pair will begin by telling the other of a bad experience or tough memory. At the end of the story, the partner who was listening must retell the same story using only the positive takeaways. 

Toxic waste
First responders must be able to complete tasks as a team. This activity is excellent for coaching a squad to work together toward a successful result. To play, set up a circle at the center of a room. This will represent the "toxic waste radiation zone." In the middle of the circle, place a container filled with water or bouncy balls to symbolize the "toxic waste." Outside the circle, there should be a larger bucket that will act as the "neutralization container." Have an array of bungee cords and ropes outside the circle as well. The group must figure out how to get the toxic waste into the neutralization container without setting foot in the toxic waste radiation zone. This activity can be timed if you would like.

Being a first responder means working well in a team setting. Communication, problem solving and understanding of group dynamics are crucial to a squad's success. The activities above are specifically designed to help improve these areas.