The Fourth of July brings about patriotism in all corners of the country, but this year's celebration in Boston may be a bit more significant. Independence Day falls in the middle of Boston's Navy Week, an annual event which this year marks the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812, The Associated Press reports.
The event is part of the nationwide Operation Sail (OpSail), and the city recently welcomed 18 ships from all over the world for the occasion. Though the week is highlighted by sailors in the U.S. Navy, ships from Canada, England, Norway and Denmark also made the trip. This year, Boston's annual Harborfest celebration teamed up with OpSail to honor the bicentennial of the war.
"Harborfest by itself is a large event, but we are coupling OpSail with that and the bicentennial of the War of 1812," Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Jeff Hall told the AP. "This is the largest event probably the city has seen since the last big OpSail event back in 2002."
The highlight of the celebration will undoubtedly be the USS Constitution. The oldest commissioned warship, the Constitution played an integral role in the War of 1812 and will be the focus of many of the events during the week.