
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a significant concern among military personnel and first responders, who are often exposed to traumatic events in the line of duty. While about 6% of U.S. adults are diagnosed with PTSD, that number jumps to 15% for paramedics and over 23% for military service members.

Understanding how common PTSD is within these groups is crucial for developing effective support systems and interventions. Moreover, the prevalence of PTSD among these populations highlights the need for ongoing research, targeted mental health services, and increased awareness to ensure those affected receive the help they need.

In this article, we'll take a deeper look into how common PTSD is, what its impacts are, and how it's treated.

What Is PTSD And What Are Its Symptoms and Impact?

First, it's important to define post traumatic stress disorder. PTSD is a mental health condition triggered by witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. It's a complex disorder that can manifest differently from one individual to another, making it a challenge to understand and diagnose.

The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) defines PTSD by specific criteria, including:

  • Exposure to trauma.
  • The presence of intrusive symptoms.
  • Avoidance of trauma-related stimuli.
  • Significant changes in mood.

Common PTSD symptoms include flashbacks, severe anxiety, uncontrollable thoughts about the traumatic event, and heightened reactivity to stimuli are common. Understanding these symptoms can help in identifying individuals who may be suffering in silence and guide them toward seeking help.

PTSD also has a complex relationship with other mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Without proper treatment, individuals with PTSD may face significant challenges in their personal relationships, employment, and overall quality of life, emphasizing the need for effective support systems and interventions.

How Common Is PTSD in Veterans?

The prevalence of PTSD among veterans varies significantly, influenced by factors such as the nature of their deployment, combat exposure, and unfortunately, gender. In fact, women veterans are 9% more likely to experience PTSD than male veterans due to higher rates of sexual assault and harassment, according to the National Center for PTSD.

Studies also show that PTSD prevalence is notably high among veterans of recent operations, with estimates suggesting that up to 29% of veterans who served in operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom may suffer from PTSD. These figures point to the critical need for comprehensive mental health support and resources for veterans, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and treating PTSD symptoms early.

The incidence of PTSD is not limited to recent conflicts. Veterans of the Gulf War and the Vietnam War also report significant rates of PTSD, with some estimates suggesting that PTSD affects about 30% of Vietnam War veterans.

Do First Responders Get PTSD?

While they don't see military combat, first responders, including firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical personnel, are at a heightened risk for developing PTSD. This is due to their frequent exposure to traumatic events as part of their job, with around 80% reporting a traumatic experience while on the job.

While there are many support services available within the career services sector of these professions, including mandatory therapies and time off, there are a high number of volunteer first responders who either don't qualify for these services or who aren't required to attend.

How Can You Treat PTSD?

A variety of PTSD treatment options are available, each tailored to meet the individual needs of those affected by this disorder. Therapy, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), has been shown to be effective in treating PTSD. Medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can also play a crucial role in managing symptoms. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of symptoms, the individual's preferences, and their overall mental health condition.

Whether it's through VA health care systems for veterans or civilian health care providers for the general population, access to knowledgeable and compassionate care is essential for effective treatment.

Combining everyday care with specific treatments for PTSD can significantly improve symptom management. Lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and mindfulness practices, can complement formal treatment plans and help individuals regain a sense of control over their lives. Support from family and friends, along with professional guidance, creates a comprehensive care approach that addresses the multifaceted nature of PTSD, promoting recovery and improving quality of life.

Helpful PTSD Resources

While there are many support services available within the career services sector of these professions, including mandatory therapies and time off, there are a high number of volunteer first responders who either don't qualify for these services or aren't required to attend.

If you or a loved one is in a first responder profession, be sure to ask and be aware of the options available for leave of absence, time off, and therapeutic services, all of which can help catch early warning signs of the disorder and even lower the severity of symptoms.

Check out the valuable resources below for more information:

SAMHSA: Call 1-800-662-HELP

Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255, press 1

PTSD Foundation of America: Support groups

CopLine: (Law Enforcement Only): 1-800-267-5463

AllClear Foundation (all First Responders): Text BADGE to 741741 (crisis text line)


The Lifeline of Emergency Response

In the throes of an emergency, the thread that often holds the chaos at bay is effective communication. It's the beacon that guides first responders through the night — the difference between confusion and clarity in high-stakes situations. When every second counts, the ability to convey critical information swiftly and accurately becomes paramount.

It's not an overstatement to say that the quality of communication can determine the outcome of life or death scenarios. This reality places an immense responsibility on the systems and protocols that facilitate such exchanges, highlighting the need for a robust and fail-proof communication network during crises.

As we delve into the intricate web of emergency communication, we'll explore the key components that ensure first responders maintain that essential lifeline of connection. From the technical infrastructure to the human skills required, we'll shed light on the multifaceted nature of communication in emergency response and the critical role it plays in safeguarding lives.

The Anatomy of Emergency Communication

Emergency communication systems are a complex network of tools, protocols, and personnel working in unison to manage crises effectively. At the heart of these systems lie various components such as alert mechanisms, communication devices, and information management platforms. Each element is designed to perform under the extreme pressures of an emergency, ensuring that vital information reaches the right people at the right time.

In addition to the physical infrastructure, communication systems also rely on established protocols — the blueprints for action, dictating the flow of information and how to respond in an emergency. Clarity and precision are essential here, as these protocols act as the guardrails that keep the response on track, preventing the descent into disorder.

Training and Preparedness: The Human Element

Of course, first responders can't rely solely on tools and protocols. Training ensures that all team members know how to use their tools and equipment and what to do in an emergency. For emergency responders, it's not just beneficial; it's a critical component of any effective emergency response strategy.

When responders are well-prepared, they can navigate the complexities of crisis communication with confidence and efficiency. Regular drills and exercises that simulate emergency conditions help to engrain best practices and ensure that when a real crisis hits, the response is almost second nature. The human element of communication—comprising skills such as clear articulation, active listening, and quick comprehension—can make all the difference in high-stakes situations.

Barriers to Effective Communication

Despite best efforts, several obstacles can impede first responder communication. There are the obvious culprits, such as noise, weather, and terrain, which can disrupt communication channels. Human factors, including stress-induced errors or lack of clarity in messaging, can further complicate the situation, making it challenging to maintain effective communication.

However, technical issues like equipment failure or network overload can lead to critical delays, and the consequences of miscommunication in emergency scenarios are dire. A single misunderstood directive or a delayed message can escalate an already perilous situation, potentially leading to increased harm or loss of life.

So how do first responders overcome these obstacles?

Technological Tools for Crisis Management

Cutting-edge communication technologies are continuously revolutionizing the landscape of emergency response. From advanced radio systems that remain operative even when traditional networks fail to software platforms that provide real-time data sharing and collaboration — they all aid in the efforts of emergency responders.

With the aid of technology, emergency response teams can synchronize their efforts, optimize resource deployment, and ultimately, save more lives. But that's not to say emergency responders are adopting technology just for the sake of it. As the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) highlights in a recent first-responder survey, they want tech that:

  • Offers a user-friendly, error-proof interface.
  • Reduces product or service expenses.
  • Minimizes unintended consequences.

For a recent example of tech that checks these boxes, look no further than the rise of Drones as First Responders (DFRs). These unmanned aerial vehicles offer eyes in the sky, giving responders a bird's-eye view of the situation.

Technological advancements like these have a profound impact on the coordination and response times during a crisis. They enable a seamless flow of information, allowing for quicker situational assessments and more informed decision-making.

Communication is the lifeline that connects all facets of crisis management, from the initial alert to the final resolution. As we look to the future of emergency response, it is imperative that we continue to innovate and refine our communication systems. This means investing in new technologies, enhancing training programs, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

The call to action is clear: we must prioritize effective communication in emergency response to ensure that when disaster strikes, our frontline workers remain strong, reliable, and unbreakable. Their lives and ours depend on it.


For first responders, high-stress situations are the norm, not the exception. They are routinely exposed to traumatic events, life-threatening scenarios, and the pressure of making split-second decisions that can have profound consequences. This constant exposure to stress can take a significant toll on their mental and physical well-being, making stress management not just beneficial, but essential.

In this blog, we'll explore five practical stress management techniques that can help first responders navigate the challenges of their demanding roles:

1. Breathing Exercises

The act of taking deep, controlled breaths is a powerful tool for mitigating the immediate effects of stress. When we engage in deep breathing, we activate our body's natural relaxation response, which can counteract the surge of adrenaline and cortisol that accompanies emergencies. This physiological shift can help first responders stabilize their heart rate, lower their blood pressure, and calm their nerves, enabling them to think more clearly and respond more effectively.

First responders can incorporate simple breathing exercises into their routine with minimal effort and no equipment. A basic technique involves inhaling slowly through the nose for a count of four, holding the breath for a count of four, and then exhaling through the mouth for a count of four. This can be repeated several times and can be done amid a busy shift or during a brief moment of downtime, providing a quick and accessible way to manage stress on the job.

2. Physical Fitness: Strengthening Resilience

In addition to breathing exercises, first responders can also use regular physical exercises to manage stress. Not only is this vital for the demanding aspects of their work but also for strengthening their psychological resilience. Exercise releases endorphins, the body's natural mood lifters, which can help to alleviate the symptoms of stress and anxiety.

First responders can benefit from a variety of exercise routines, from strength training and cardiovascular workouts to flexibility and balance exercises. Activities such as running, cycling, or team sports can fit well into their schedules and can also provide the added benefit of social interaction. Even brief bouts of exercise, like a quick walk or a 10-minute bodyweight circuit during a break, can make a significant difference in managing stress levels.

3. Cultivating Calmness Through Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness is the practice of maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment with openness and without judgment. For first responders, cultivating mindfulness can be a refuge from chaos, allowing them to reduce stress and anxiety by focusing on the present rather than worrying about past or future events.

Meditation is often practiced as a component of mindfulness and can be tailored to fit the unpredictable schedules of first responders. Techniques such as guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation, or even short, focused sessions of breathing meditation can be integrated into their daily routines. These practices can help create a sense of inner peace and can be particularly effective during times of crisis or after exposure to traumatic events.

4. The Importance of Community

The shared experiences of first responders create a unique bond that can be a powerful source of support during stressful times. By connecting with colleagues, individuals can find comfort in knowing they are not alone in their experiences. Sharing stories and coping strategies can also provide validation, reduce the sense of isolation, and foster a supportive community that understands the specific challenges of the job.

There are both formal and informal support systems available to first responders. Formal systems may include employee assistance programs, peer support groups, or mental health services provided by their agency. Informal support might come from debriefing with colleagues after a tough call, engaging in team-building activities, or simply having a trusted partner to talk to. Both types of support systems are invaluable resources for managing stress and promoting mental well-being.

5. Seeking Professional Help When Stress Becomes Unmanageable

Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. First responders should be encouraged to monitor their mental health and to understand that it is okay to reach out for help when the burden becomes too heavy to bear alone. Early intervention can prevent more serious mental health issues from developing and can provide individuals with the tools they need to cope with stress more effectively.

Many organizations now recognize the importance of mental health and offer services that are confidential and tailored to the unique experiences of those in high-stress professions. Outside of their employers, first responders can also find a range of counseling services, stress management programs, and crisis hotlines specifically designed to cater to their needs.

For instance, Safe Call Now (+1 206 459 3020) offers a confidential 24-hour crisis referral service for first responders and their family members.

Utilizing these resources can make a significant difference in a first responder's ability to maintain their mental health and their capacity to perform their duties.

Integrating These Techniques Into Daily Life

First responders need to take proactive steps toward managing their stress. This might mean setting aside time each day for a breathing exercise, finding moments for physical activity, or reaching out to a colleague or mental health professional when the signs of stress are becoming overwhelming. By integrating these strategies into their daily routines, they can achieve a greater sense of balance and peace of mind, even in the face of adversity.


Being a first responder is not just a job; it's a calling that requires a unique set of skills and attributes that can mean the difference between life and death. These heroes are the first on the scene of accidents, natural disasters or any other critical incidents where life and safety are at risk. These emergency situations often demand high levels of physical exertion, sometimes over extended periods.

First responders must be able to carry heavy equipment, move debris or even carry individuals to safety. In addition, they must also maintain mental alertness and resiliency while being able to recover quickly. The ability to work long shifts under these conditions is a testament to their dedication and the rigorous training they undergo to serve their communities effectively.

In the blog, we'll be exploring some of the often-overlooked physical demands of the job, from training to the hidden health toll many first responders face.

Preparing To Be a First Responder

Preparation is key in the unpredictable world of first responders. Their training programs are a comprehensive regimen encompassing everything from strength training and cardiovascular conditioning to agility drills — all designed to keep them fit for the rigors of their work.

Simulated emergency scenarios play a crucial role at this stage, offering a realistic yet safe platform to hone their skills, build muscle memory and confidence and foster team coordination. These exercises ensure they're not just physically ready, but mentally prepared to make critical decisions in the heat of the moment.

The Long-Term Health Implications

The physical exertions and emotional strains of first responders are not without consequences. Repetitive motions, exposure to adverse conditions and the sheer physicality of their tasks often lead to musculoskeletal disorders. Meanwhile, exposure to hazardous materials can escalate their risk of chronic diseases.

Beyond the physical labor of their daily responsibilities, first responders often wage a silent battle against the stress and adrenaline that come with their line of work. The fight or flight response, which they may face on a daily basis, can have long-term health impacts, not only leading to physical issues, like hypertension, heart attacks and strokes but also mental health problems.

Not only are first responder jobs high-stress environments with irregular work hours, they also expose workers to potentially traumatic scenes. This can lead to issues like anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, PTSD and other mental health issues. Addressing these needs is essential, not only to help our heroes in return but also to reduce the stigma around seeking help in the first place.

Supporting Our Heroes

Whether they're maintaining resilience on the job or joining the road to recovery, first responders deserve a helping hand. Access to quality healthcare, specialized rehabilitation centers and mental health services is fundamental, ensuring they can recover from injuries and cope with the mental toll of their duties.

Peer support and counseling offer additional layers of support, providing a space to share experiences and coping strategies. Many first responder organizations offer professional counseling services designed to address the specific needs of those in the profession. Similarly, departments and agencies will often provide employee assistance programs (EAPs), which offer confidential assessments, counseling and referrals for a range of issues, including stress, mental health, substance abuse and family problems.

There is also a wide range of first-responder charities and foundations providing essential support to our heroes on the frontlines. Whether you need assistance or you're looking for ways to help, consider checking out these organizations:

As first responders continue to bravely answer their call of duty, it's our collective responsibility to protect and serve those who do the same for us.


Dogs are more than just pets; they've been loyal companions to humans for tens of thousands of years. In ancient times they helped us hunt, but today, they serve a wide range of roles, from our best friends to vigilant protectors who keep us safe.

Each year, March 13th is dedicated to National K9 Veterans Day — a day for recognizing and honoring the service and sacrifices of military and working dogs. It marks the official birthday of the United States K9 Corps, which was established back in 1942 for the first military dogs who served during World War II.

These dogs, and those that followed, have played critical roles in patrol, detection, search and rescue, and as loyal companions. The observance of National K9 Veterans Day is a testament to the enduring partnership between dogs and humans, particularly in the realm of national defense and public service. It's a day to reflect on the heroism of these animals and give thanks for their countless contributions to our society.

The History of the K9 Unit

The K9 unit, as we know it today, has a storied history that began long before its formal establishment. Dogs have been used in warfare and security since ancient times, aiding the military forces of Egypt, Greece, and Rome. However, the official use of dogs for military purposes in the United States began during World War II with the inception of the War Dog Program, or "K9 Corps," on March 13, 1942.

This marked the beginning of systematic training and deployment of canines for combat and other military-related tasks. The K9 Corps initially recruited civilian dogs and their owners, training these teams for various duties, including sentry, scout, and messenger roles.

Over the years, the role of K9 units has evolved significantly. In the public sphere, police forces have adopted the concept of training dogs for law enforcement tasks such as drug and bomb detection, search and rescue operations, and the pursuit of suspects. Today, these K9 units are an indispensable part of both military operations and public safety efforts, showcasing the remarkable adaptability and skill of these working dogs.

The Life of a Working Dog

Working dogs play a pivotal role in contributing to public and national security. Their keen senses, particularly hearing and smell, make them invaluable in detecting explosives, narcotics, and even certain medical conditions. Our canine companions are also often the first line of defense for national security, working tirelessly at borders, airports, and high-security events to sniff out potential threats.

The life of a K9 unit begins with rigorous training, where handlers hone their natural abilities to perform specialized tasks. This training is both physically and mentally demanding, ensuring that the dogs are prepared for the challenges they will face in the field without getting distracted.

Throughout their service, K9s form an unbreakable bond with their handlers, built on trust, respect, and mutual reliance. When these dogs retire, they often do so with the same handler or another loving family, where they can enjoy a well-deserved rest and the companionship they have earned through years of loyal service. In some cases, after their tenure in active duty, K9s can often find new ways to contribute to society — especially as the roles of working dogs are continually expanding.

As therapy dogs, they provide comfort and support to veterans and civilians alike, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, and PTSD symptoms. As service dogs, they assist individuals with disabilities, offering them greater independence and quality of life. Whatever they get up to, K9 units continue to serve and inspire long after their official duties have ended, proving that their heroism extends far beyond the battlefield or the line of duty.


February is Black History Month — an important time to recognize and honor the profound contributions and sacrifices of African Americans throughout our nation's history. Despite the immeasurable hardships and discrimination they've faced in a country that had, until around 60 years ago, denied their rights as citizens, African American soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines have continually shown exceptional valor and resilience both on and off the battlefield.

This year, to celebrate and honor our nation's Black service members, we'd like to take a look back at their heroic journeys throughout history, shedding light on their often unsung stories.

The History of African Americans in the Military

From the very inception of the United States of America, Black service members have demonstrated an unwavering commitment, courage and determination to defend the nation. In fact, they've answered the call of duty to serve and sacrifice in every single U.S. war, from the Revolutionary War through Iraq and Afghanistan.

As we commemorate the enduring legacy of African Americans in the military, let's trace their remarkable history from the 1700s to the modern day.

The Revolutionary War

Beginning prior to the Revolutionary War, both free and enslaved Black people rose up against the British during the Boston Massacre. In fact, Crispus Attucks is considered to be the first casualty of the revolution, bravely leading the protest before the tragedy transpired.

Following the Boston Massacre, over 5,000 Black soldiers from all 13 colonies fought for the American cause, seeking the prospect of freedom from both the British and the colonists. Unfortunately, only about 20% of those who served were freed from their bonds.

The Civil War

While Black minutemen and soldiers served in regiments throughout the later 1700s and early 1800s, it wasn't until 1863 that the U.S. government officially allowed African Americans to enlist in the armed forces. However, the Civil War was obviously a turning point for Black military history, as by the end of it, nearly 200,000 Black soldiers had served in the Union Army. Meanwhile, the Confederate Army had recruited a small group of Black soldiers toward the end of the war, but they wouldn't see combat before its end.

The Great Wars

By the time of World War I and World War II, the horrors of chattel slavery had ended, and Black Americans were quickly becoming a much larger part of the nation's military — despite continuing discrimination and segregation. To put it into perspective, the First World War saw over 380,000 African Americans serve in the army, while over 1 million Black men and women served in the second.

Fighting fascism on one front and racism on the other, Black service members demonstrated extraordinary courage and resilience, with legendary groups like the Tuskegee Airmen leaving an indelible mark on history.

Modern Military Diversity

In today's modern military, the landscape has significantly evolved. The U.S. military is continually committed to improving racial diversity and providing equal opportunities for all service members. And with each branch making a more proactive effort to recruit and train a diverse force of soldiers, sailors and airmen, the nation can not only strengthen its capabilities but also reflect the values of equality and inclusion that are so central to America.

Honoring Black Heroes

As we continue into Black History Month, and throughout the year, it's important to take the time to reflect on and commemorate the sacrifices and contributions African Americans have made in the line of duty. Their stories of bravery and determination inspire us all and remind us of the strength found in diversity and unity.



Behind every first responder is a family standing tall to support them. Though first responder families are often overshadowed by the flashing lights and sirens, they live lives of quiet bravery and resilience. From coping with constant worry over their loved one’s safety to managing the unpredictable nature of emergency work and its impact on the home, these families face their own set of challenges.

Today, we’d like to shine a spotlight on the experiences of first-responder families and share a few resources that can offer some much-needed support.

The Challenges of Being a First Responder Family

First, it’s important to understand the unique difficulties many family members face, including:

  1. Emotional Stress and Anxiety: Families of first responders often must grapple with ongoing worry and anxiety over their loved ones due to their occupational exposure to danger. Much like first responders have to deal with the unpredictability of emergency work, their family members are also unsure of what each day may bring.
  2. Long, Irregular Work Hours: The atypical and often extended working hours of first responders can also put a strain on first responders and their families. Long shifts that stretch into the nights can hinder family bonding time and disrupt routines and schedules. This often puts more responsibilities on spouses to manage the household alone.
  3. Limited Availability for Family: In addition to irregular and long working hours, the demanding nature of a first responder’s job means they often have to miss significant family events, such as birthdays, school functions, anniversaries and holidays. Their absence during these moments can lead to feelings of disappointment or even abandonment, especially for children.
  4. Physical Risk and Health Concerns: The inherent danger of being a first responder can bring constant worry about physical harm. Families often live with the fear of potential injury or worse, impacting their mental well-being, and exposure to hazardous and traumatic conditions can have long-term impacts on their loved ones.
  5. Financial Strain: Despite the essential nature of their work, many first responders and their families face financial stress, whether it’s from the rising cost of living or health care expenses in the case of injury or trauma. In the tragic event that a first responder passes in the line of duty, their family could be facing even greater financial distress on top of dealing with the grief. Fortunately, a wide array of support resources are available to first-responder families.

Helpful Resources for Supporting First Responders and Their Families

Here are a few resources to help first responders and their family members:

  • First Responders Support Network offers specialized retreats and mental health support for first responders and their families, focusing on recovery from traumatic stress and promoting well-being through peer support and education.
  • Hope for Emergency Responders Organization (HERO) is dedicated to providing support and resources and fostering a community of care and recognition for the mental and physical health of first responders and their families.
  • First Responders Children’s Foundation provides financial assistance and educational resources to children who have lost a parent in the line of duty and families facing hardship due to a first responder’s work-related trauma.
  • Family Survivor College Scholarship was established by AFBA to support the educational aspirations of the children of fallen first responders.
  • Financial and Legal Assistance offered by AFBA through various programs and organizations provides financial guidance and legal support to first-responder families, helping them navigate the complexities of financial planning, insurance and more.

At AFBA, we recognize the strength and courage of first responder families, and we’re here to help. Find out more about the support and resources available to our members.


While we should be thanking our firefighters, police, paramedics and EMTs every day, October 28 is National First Responders Day, which offers a unique opportunity to show our appreciation. These heroic men and women are the first ones on the scene, no matter the incident, whether it's an accident, tragedy or natural disaster. They devote their lives to making the world a better — and safer — place.

The creation of National First Responders Day
The day of recognition is a relatively new holiday, but it was a long time coming. Congress made October 28 National First Responders Day in 2017, though the first bipartisan resolution passed through the Senate in 2019.

At the time, there were about "4.6 million career and volunteer firefighters, police, emergency medical technicians, and paramedics serving communities all across the United States," according to the Department of Homeland Security. Even before the creation of National First Responders Day, Americans knew how valuable and necessary they were.

First Responders: The heroes of the pandemic
Only a few months after the first recognition of National First Responder Day, the COVID-19 pandemic would sweep the globe. First responders were the ones who stepped forward when no one else could.

Often first on the scene, emergency responders are exposed to unique and stressful situations that increase their likelihood of contraction. According to The Associated Press, many first responders have lost their lives as a result of COVID-19. And while the height of the pandemic is behind us, it's still just as crucial to support these brave front-line workers.

The appearance of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.The appearance of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

Continuing to Champion Public Safety
Outside of the pandemic, natural disasters caused destruction across the U.S. in the last few years, requiring firefighters, EMT providers and other first responders to show up in unprecedented force.

According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, nearly 60% of the topsoil and subsoil in the U.S. is experiencing moderate to severe drought. This has led to a staggering increase in wildfires. The National Interagency Fire Center reports that over 22 million acres of land were burned between 2020 and 2023. Firefighters from around the nation risked their lives and left their families to protect the environment and American citizens.

Beyond the pervasive fires, the U.S. has faced an increase in floods, droughts, hurricanes, blizzards, earthquakes and other natural disasters. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's data shows that there have been 23 weather disasters in 2023, as of September 25, with the number steadily rising since the 1980s.

Supporting Our First Responders Act
During the pandemic, it quickly became clear that the additional burdens placed on first responders were causing strain on the system. As a result, the same emergency situation could receive vastly different responses depending on where you live.

To combat these issues and provide greater support to critical responders, Representatives Andy Kim (D-NJ) and Mike Carey (R-OH) have proposed the bipartisan Supporting Our First Responders Act.

This Act would authorize $50 million each year for the next 5 years for the new Department of Health and Human Services grant program. The aim of this program is to help both EMS providers and the personnel on the ground with:

  • Recruitment and retention
  • Mental health care
  • Training reimbursements
  • Facility upgrades
  • And more

While the bill hasn't passed yet, it would undoubtedly help ease the stress put on EMS providers from the start of the pandemic.

Commemorating National First Responder Day
When National First Responders Day was announced, Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) explained the reason for the new day of recognition.

"Our first responders save countless lives every day, and many tragically pay the ultimate price in the line of duty — a sacrifice we should never forget. Designating a day to honor their service and sacrifice is the least we can do to express our gratitude," he said in a June 7, 2019 press release.

The 116th Congress wrote in the act that "During times of national crisis, first responders have consistently been a source of aid, hope, and comfort for all Americans."

Show your support for America's brave first responders by thanking them for their service or donating to a first responder charity. Here are a few to choose from:

National First Responders Day is your opportunity to show gratitude and recognize the professionals who play an important role in ensuring the safety of every American citizen.


Responding to emergencies is some of the most vital work in society — and simultaneously some of the most demanding. It's only fitting that first responders go into action equipped with the latest and greatest in technology.

From more advanced sensors and tracking systems to reliable communications networks, there is a wide array of tech tools that can make emergency personnel more effective and safer on the job. Developing new gear, along with the techniques to use it effectively, is an effort taken up by a wide variety of organizations, companies and agencies.

By diving into the current state of first responder tech, as well as the ongoing process of testing out new solutions, you can gain a new appreciation for this equipment and the brave people who use it.

The appearance of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.The appearance of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

Spotlight on DHS First Responder Tech Development

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) realizes the need for first responders to go into the field with only the best in advanced equipment. That's why the agency, through its Science & Technology Directorate (S&T), spearheads new research and development.

The first step in developing any tech tool is to find out what users need — what's the problem that a new piece of gear could solve? S&T consults with a panel of 120 current and retired first responders, called the First Responder Resource Group (FRRG), to figure out needs that are going unmet by existing equipment. The agency also listens to specific requests from teams dealing with extreme and unique circumstances, such as firefighters battling wildfires.

Some of the development projects targeting these currently observed needs include:

  • Enhanced globes for helicopter rescues: Performing aerial hoist rescues is remarkably hard on emergency workers' hands. This demands new glove materials and designs that can take the strain.
  • Lost Person Locator software: Searching for missing persons is most effective when there is a set of consistent protocols and data sets available. This new software tool aims to deliver those capabilities widely.
  • Routing software for vehicles: When commercial-grade navigation software isn't up to the task, first responders need a specialized tool set to get to emergencies in a timely manner. This new system accounts for weather, vehicle type, road conditions and more.
  • Smart chemical sensors: New wearable sensor technology can help first responders determine exactly what they're encountering in the air. The devices can give alarms if personnel reach exposure limits to dangerous substances.
  • New firefighter respiratory protectors: Firefighters battling wildfires sometimes spend hours in areas containing vapors, particles and carbon monoxide. A scarf-like respirator can protect them from these substances for up to 12 hours.

NIST Researches Communications Tech

DHS isn't the only agency putting research hours into new first responder tech projects. The National Institution of Standards and Technology recently conducted an extensive, over-five-year survey of communications needs by first responders.

The more than 7,000 people who shared their opinions stated that they need technology that is trustworthy, controllable and not frustrating to use. NIST explained that these values should direct the development and purchasing of tech, and gave six guidelines:

  • Improve current systems as a first resort before creating wholly new products.
  • Reduce unintended consequences of new tech adoption, such as distraction.
  • Avoid "one-size-fits-all" approaches because public safety is a varied field.
  • Don't develop tech for its own sake but rather to meet real, observed needs.
  • Lower costs of products and services to make tech scalable for wide adoption.
  • Focus on usability so first responders find it natural to get correct outcomes.

The steady march of tech development is always ongoing. Putting new offerings in the hands of first responders ensures that these breakthroughs are serving the public good.


There are few days in U.S. history more consequential or somber than September 11, 2001. Every year since the deadly attacks that took nearly 3,000 lives, Americans have paused on September 11 to remember those who died, and to dedicate themselves to serving their communities.

In December 2001, Congress designated September 11 as Patriot Day, and in 2009, as part of the Serve America Act, the day also became a National Day of Service and Remembrance. By attending a memorial service, sharing your personal memories and experiences or by giving back to your local community this Patriot Day, you can ensure that the indefatigable spirit of the victims lives on.

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What Happens Every Patriot Day?

In keeping with its solemn tone, Patriot Day is a time of contemplation and service. In the official White House announcement proclaiming last year's Patriot Day, President Joe Biden described some of the ways the government would be commemorating the anniversary.

All flags flown by government branches, agencies and departments fly at half-staff on September 11. A moment of  silence is observed at 8:46 a.m. eastern time, acknowledging the time when the first World Trade Center tower was struck.

There is also an annual observance ceremony carried out by the National Park Service at the Flight 93 National Memorial. This quiet location in southern Pennsylvania is the place where that flight crashed on September 11 when heroic passengers and crew prevented it from becoming part of the attacks.

The public service organization AmeriCorps also designates September 11 as one of its two annual National Days of Service, alongside Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The group encourages individuals to pledge to serve their neighbors and offers web resources that connect people with opportunities to help out near them.

Beyond these nationwide and local commemorations, each person can go into their community and perform acts of service on their own to ensure they are showing a resolute, civic-minded spirit on this tragic anniversary. This is an opportunity to put good into the world as part of mourning and remembrance.

What Are Some Ways to Observe Patriot Day?

At first, it can be difficult to know how to mark a somber day like September 11. However, there are numerous ways to remember the tragedy and honor the sacrifices of those who died that day through giving back to your community.

Perhaps the most fundamental part of observing the National Day of Service and Remembrance is simply showing love and kindness to the people in your life, friends, family and strangers alike. This attitude is a good foundation for acts of service, and a way to show that you honor the sacrifices of those who gave their lives.

In a more concrete sense, you can also take part in volunteer projects. The National Park Service recommends getting out to serve, and runs its own events, some in conjunction with groups such as The Mission Continues, a nonprofit community impact group that helps veterans acclimate to lives at home following after they've served.

You can also share memories and reminiscences to ensure the sacrifices of those who perished on September 11, 2001, as well as the first responders who gave so much of themselves to provide assistance on that day, lives on. One of the legacies of September 11 is that everyday people can find heroism within themselves, and honoring that is part of Patriot Day.

We at AFBA hope you'll join us in honoring those who gave their lives September 11, 2001, and those who committed brave acts of service that day, on Patriot Day 2023 and beyond.