For those who have never served in combat, it can be difficult to tap into the mind of a veteran and truly understand the challenges he or she faces during life after service. An intense film, "American Sniper," recently hit theaters and attempts to do just that. It provides a personal account of a famous sniper who had an undying love for his country and held a passion for stopping enemies in their tracks. The fame of the movie can help spread awareness of what it is truly like to be a soldier and return home after multiple deployments.
About the movie
Directed by Clint Eastwood, the movie is based on a true story and details the life of veteran Chris Kyle, who was named the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history. According to The Seattle Times, Kyle was deployed in four tours and was credited with 160 kills. Although he was a fierce soldier, his loved ones described him as being a loving family man who was changed over the course of his deployments.
"The way the film was directed coupled with outstanding performances by Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller and the rest of the cast made for a heart wrenching and deeply accurate portrayal of the external and internal battles our service men and women face," writer and former Navy SEAL Brent Gleeson reported in Forbes magazine. "Not to mention the even greater sacrifices made by the families and loved ones back home."
The movie's accuracy can be attributed to the research that the actors and writers performed, as well as the story from which it was pulled. The film is an adaptation of Kyle's book, "American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in American History," which not only describes his experience in combat, but also his family life. Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller, who play Chris and Taya Kyle, spent a great deal of time perfecting their characters in preparation for their roles.
"Taya provided Sienna every email and letter the two exchanged during his four deployments giving her a solid framework for the deep love and connection they had, as well as the struggles associated with that level of service," Gleeson wrote in Forbes.
Stars and Stripes reported that Cooper spent time learning how to operate some of the guns that Kyle often used throughout his career. He was a part of the United Service Organizations for several years and periodically visited Iraq and Afghanistan. His relentless preparation for the film paid off. Multiple reviews by writers and family members who knew Kyle personally all reported how amazed they were at Cooper's ability to morph into the role.
"There were a lot of people after Chris was killed who said, 'I only spent one day with your husband and I felt like he was my best friend.' And I think that is sort of a cool thing people can get out of this movie, too," Taya Kyle told the news source.
Spreading veteran awareness
After retiring from service in 2009, Chris Kyle spent a lot of his time reaching out to veterans struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder and publicly spreading awareness for the importance of veteran support. Kyle was killed in 2013 allegedly by another veteran that he was trying to help, reported Forbes. His service to his country and willingness to help those in need is portrayed in the movie, and shows a very personal, touching account of why it is so important to help those who dedicate their lives to protecting the people of their country.
"American Sniper" is nominated for Best Picture and Leading Actor at the 2015 Oscars, and is now playing in theaters.