A recent report issued by Military Times revealed the top technical and career colleges in the nation for veterans.
The publication reached out to a variety of post-secondary institutions and asked them to fill out a survey detailing their relationship with and services for former servicemembers. Factors included in the survey ranged from financial aid and academic reputation to the overall culture of the school. While a college report will be released next month, these findings focused on institutions committed to taking technical skills learned in the military and helping veterans apply them to a stable career in their life after service.
The top-rated school was Santa Fe Community College in New Mexico. The school accepts American Council on Education-recommended credits, meaning it offers some academic credit for military service. It also costs within the tuition assistance program cap, which means that its per-credit-hour cost does not exceed $250. Additionally, no post-9/11 GI Bill recipient at Santa Fe CC had to pay more than what that bill accounts for, making it an affordable option.
The school was also rated highly in terms of academic and staff support, extracurricular activities and student-to-faculty ratio.
Other highly rated institutions included Fayetteville Technical Community College in North Carolina, Virginia College and Golf Academy of America in Alabama, The Los Angeles Film School in California and Thomas Nelson Community College in Virginia.