Suicide among veterans is at an unfortunately high level and has been for quite a while now. And after a new study found that this was particularly true among female veterans, a number of federal legislators came together to try to address the issue.
The Female Veterans Suicide Prevention Act, backed by U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, Barbara Boxer of California, Joni Ernst of Iowa, and Sherrod Brown of Ohio, would allow the VA to expand the ways in which it evaluates mental health of female former servicemembers in particular.The legislation would also examine which programs are most effective in treating those veterans, according to a report from the New Haven Register. This comes after a study by the VA found that female veterans commit suicide at a rate six times greater than that of female civilians.
"With suicide among women veterans happening at an alarming rate, (the bill) will help save lives by ensuring VA is providing the care, counseling and outreach these veterans need," Blumenthal told the newspaper.
Right now there are about 2 million female veterans nationwide, and if the suicide rate observed in the study holds true, that constitutes almost 700 preventable deaths, the report said. That compares with just 108 among a similar slice of the female civilian population. In addition, the number of female vets is also the fastest-growing demographic group among those treated by the VA. The government organization recognizes that it has to do more to help them in particular, with some 16,000 currently not in the VA system to a sufficient degree, and little money coming in to help expand those efforts.
The more the VA and other agencies or groups can do to reach veterans regardless of their gender or other issues, the better off they will be in the future.