Next month, Texas residents will be voting on two propositions that might greatly affect veterans benefits.
Proposition 1 will grant 100 percent housing tax breaks to the spouses and families of fallen servicemembers, while Proposition 4 will offer disabled veterans full relief on their property taxes, states the VoteSmart website. Both measures are state constitutional amendments.
According to local news source YNN, some disabled veterans are already exempt from paying property taxes because they are fully covered by the VA. Yet many disabled veterans don't qualify for 100 percent VA coverage and are constantly struggling to pay off their increasing medical and tax bills, which is why veterans are now speaking publicly to gain voter support of Proposition 4.
"They've given that sacrifice and they face tough financial times so it's a way to say thank you in a very tangible way," state Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, a supporter of the measure, told the news outlet.
Meanwhile, servicemembers and military families gathered in San Antonio this week to raise awareness of Proposition 1. According to, the tax exemption for surviving military spouses will only be available to those who remain unmarried and will be applied to the value of the house they owned when their military spouse was killed in action.