
The needs facing veterans today are the same as those affecting everyone else. They need stability, security, jobs, places to live, peace of mind. When returning from active duty, however, these basic necessities can be hard to find. This is why it's heartening to see organizations stepping up to help the veterans living in their communities. Service members gave of themselves in their military roles, and deserve all the best once they are home. Their transitions to civilian life represent a big step that will determine the tone of their next few years.

Necessity No. 1: Jobs
Work can easily be the deciding factor in how an individual's life is going. When jobs are attainable and rewarding, everything else can fall into place. A recent Detroit News report indicated that the the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is making an effort to ensure veterans find willing employers upon their re-integration into communities on the home front.

The news provider focused on one event in Detroit's Comerica Park, set to be hosted by General Motors and the Detroit Tigers in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency. The gathering will feature representatives from more than 100 companies that are hiring, and the veterans themselves aren't the only ones who can benefit. The brands will also give consideration to the spouses of current and former military personnel.

According to The Detroit News, GM itself is very proactive in its hiring of veterans, and it also runs educational programs based around certifications in the automotive field. Sometimes, returning service members have experience that would be very valuable to civilian employers, but not the recognition that will prove it. These side programs will help with the accreditation process.

Over 100 companies are actively looking for veterans at the Detroit job fair.Over 100 companies are actively looking for veterans at the Detroit job fair.

GM Military and Veteran Affairs Officer Keith Nattrass told the news provider that it makes sense for businesses to look at veterans as potential hires. He explained that the disciplined approach and openness to training that persist among military personnel are the kinds of skills that work well in civilian roles. Making the connection between employers and veterans works well for both parties.

Receiving necessary skills
Automotive skills aren't the only abilities being conveyed by classes pitched to veterans. The Salt Lake Tribune highlighted Culinary Command, which is designed to turn military personnel into competent cooks, ready for commercial roles, over the course of six weeks. The class ends with a "graduation dinner" in which the students cook for the public, and covers a wide variety of topics. Students don't pay, and all the costs involved in running the program are paid by donations.

The founder of Culinary Command, David James Robinson, told the news provider that he believes veterans are well suited to the world of professional cooking, where intense hours of work are carried out under a strict command structure. He noted that rather than learning a whole new set of skills, military personnel can re-tune their current proficiencies to become valuable members of a kitchen staff. Robinson has seen several of his graduates continue on cooking professionally after his training, and is proud that so many have done well, seeing as previous cooking knowledge is not a requirement to join the course.