Sept. 16 marks the one-year anniversary of the mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard. The attack was performed by Aaron Alexis, a Navy contractor and former sailor who was speculated to be mentally ill, reported The Washington Post.
The random shooting was eventually stopped by Carl Hiott, a U.S. Park Police Officer, and Dorian DeSantis, a member of the D.C. tactical police team, according to The Washington Post.
Twelve people were killed during the rampage. Their names were read by Vice Adm. William Hilarides during a ceremony at the site of the attack and they were symbolically awarded the Distinguished Civilian Service Medal for Valor, according to Military Times.
Additionally, eight servicemembers were honored for their actions during the shooting. They were awarded the highest non-combat honor, the Navy and Marine Corps Medal, for acting quickly, evacuating colleagues and offering emergency medical care to those wounded during the attack.
The shooting took place in the former headquarters of Naval Sea Systems Command, building 197. The building hasn't been used in a year due to the damage it sustained. Since 197's offices were moved to different offices in the area, many of the Naval employees hadn't seen one another since the attacks. Military Times described the ceremony as a bittersweet reunion.