Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta made history in 2010 when he became the first living recipient of the Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War, and now the Afghanistan vet is preparing to release his memoir about his experience in combat. "Living with Honor: A Memoir," is slated to be released December 4, reports Army Times.
Giunta was given the Medal of Honor, the highest decoration the military can bestow, for his actions on October 25, 2007. Serving in Korengal Valley, Iraq, his platoon came under heavy enemy fire and two of its members were seriously wounded. Battling heavy fire and even being shot several times himself, Giunta made his way to his injured comrades, including one who was being pulled away by enemy troops.
Although the book will certainly go into detail about the day that earned him the Medal of Honor, he said it also discusses the day-to-day challenges of serving in Afghanistan. Giunta left the military last year after serving since 2003.
Giunta is one of six recipients of the Medal of Honor who served in Afghanistan, including Dakota Meyer, who famously rescued 23 Afghan allies and 13 U.S. soldiers from a firefight, and Robert James Miller, who was posthumously given the distinction after he was shot and killed providing a route for his fellow soldiers to escape.