The California Department of Veterans Affairs announced on Wednesday that it will seek to revamp its website, assisting in bringing benefits to more than a million California veterans. Life after service can be tough, and military insurance can help with the transition back to civilian life.
Updated website to offer quick access to resources
According to California Healthline, the website innovation has a number of components. For one, the site layout will be easily navigable, providing quick access to resources without letting a user get bogged down in the Internet equivalent of red tape. Each veteran who uses the website will have a customized page, providing his or her personal information. This will help avoid confusion, with each user being clearly marked, allowing the Department of Veterans Affairs to give information on resources hand-fashioned to the the needs of individual veterans.
The source noted that the website will help veterans track down essential knowledge on valuable resources, such as disability claims. Veterans may be unaware of what they are entitled to from their years of service, so the website will help by offering up-to-date information on the benefits available to individual veterans. The website will also show information on veterans' programs at the state and federal level, helping with navigation of the rungs of government present in the Veterans Administration. Veterans benefits are available at various levels of government, a fact the California website hopes to promote through the MyCalVet page on the site.
Website will offer links to popular social media sites
According to California's Veterans Administration, the new site will have links to popular social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. Tech-savvy users may be pleased to hear this, as social media could serve as a useful tool in spreading knowledge about the available benefits for returning veterans. This has the added value of saving time. A veteran could quickly follow a link recommended by a friend, bringing users straight to a page that has information on disability benefits or insurance for veterans.
The Veterans Administration goal is to provide a clear system for veterans seeking information on and looking to enroll in benefits. California veterans of all stripes should consider checking out the process behind the new website, which will allow for a modern and streamlined approach to veterans affairs.