Transitioning to life after service can be difficult for veterans. There are many decisions to make, a lot of new challenges to overcome and tons of questions that need answering. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help make the transition from military life a little less daunting for former servicemembers. Let’s examine a few of these helpful programs.
Veterans’ Employment Training Services
As stated in the infographic below, VETS is an independent agency geared toward helping veterans make the shift to civilian life. The organization’s main areas of focus are job training, transition assistance, veterans’ rights and veteran hiring. VETS helps former servicemembers get a jumpstart on their careers using resume assistance and interview coaching. The agency also protects veterans who are currently in the workforce by ensuring fair and equal treatment.
Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program
Sometimes veterans sustain injuries in combat that leave them disabled, but that does not mean they do not deserve an equal opportunity at employment. The DVOP trains specialists who are then sent to employment offices, military bases and veterans’ outreach centers across the U.S. These specialists are in place to help disabled veterans find suitable work and to maintain the fair treatment of disabled former servicemembers in the workplace. Read more about this program in the infographic below.
Local Veterans Employment Representative Program
This program organizes workers that act as advocates for veterans in the civilian workforce. LVER makes sure that all veterans in the area are informed of the services available to them. The program also reaches out to local former servicemembers interested in job training and social services counseling. To learn more about LVER, check out the infographic below.
When veterans transition to civilian life, it should be a time of excitement not stress. The programs listed in the infographic below were created specifically to make the transition a little easier for former servicemembers.